Anglais Sophie's world : a graphic novel about history of philosophy (édition en anglais)

À propos

One day, Sophie receives a cryptic letter posing an intriguing question: "Who are you?" A second message soon follows: "Where does the world come from?" It is the beginning of an unusual correspondence between our curious young heroine and her mysterious penpal. As the questions begin to pile up, Sophie is propelled headlong into a startling adventure through the history of Western philosophy. Her search for answers will see her explore each of the major schools of thought, as she tries to uncover the true nature of the letters, her secretive teacher... and, above all, herself! In this witty comics adaptation, ZABUS and NICOBY have reinvented JOSTEIN GAARDER's novel of ideas - a beloved bestseller that has already won the hearts of over 50 million readers around the world - to bring Sophie's charming exploration of meaning and existence to a whole new medium.

Rayons : Bandes dessinées / Comics / Mangas > Bandes dessinées > Romans graphiques

  • Auteur(s)

    Jostein Gaarder

  • Éditeur

    Self Made Hero

  • Distributeur

    Art And Paper

  • Date de parution


  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Nombre de pages

    264 Pages

  • Longueur

    27.6 cm

  • Largeur

    20.5 cm

  • Épaisseur

    1.8 cm

  • Poids

    952 g

  • Support principal

    Grand format

Jostein Gaarder

Jostein Gaarder est né en 1952 à Oslo. Professeur de philosophie et d'histoire des idées, il se consacre aujourd'hui à l'écriture. Son Monde de Sophie (Seuil, 1991), reconnu mondialement par la critique et les lecteurs, s'est vendu à 40 millions d'exemplaires.
